Diseño web y la importancia de seguir nuevas tendencias
Administador • jul 12, 2018
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Improving the conversion of our business on the Internet depends on several factors. The web design is one of the most important because it aims to improve the user browsing experience and this means higher chances of achieving objectives and increase the benefits of the trademark. For this, it is necessary to pay attention to new trends and the importance of adapting to the habits and browsing preferences of online consumers.


We have already pointed out in previous articles the trends that will take place in web design for 2018. We remember some of them, such as the need to offer a clean image to avoid distractions, the use of custom typography (handmade), quality images and videos, images animated headers , etc. All this, always paying attention to the usability and optimizing the loading times of each of the pages of the website.

These resources will be seen more frequently in all types of commercial platforms, being correct the ordering and classification of the contents to facilitate the user access to the information they need at all times.

When designing our professional website, we must take into account:

  • Responsive web design
  • Quality digital content: images and videos.
  • Correct sorting and classification of web content.
  • Original typographies.
  • Animated images of header.


To incorporate new trends in design and keep the website updated, it is necessary to have the technological tools that allow us to evolve as the needs of consumers vary. These tools allow us to study the behavior of users when they browse the web, which is a great advantage when making precise changes and thus increase the conversion.


The combination of advanced technologies such as heat maps , A / B test and Big Data , is the main virtue of Web Step , the solution that QDQ Media offers to small and medium enterprises. It is an evolutive web design, capable of offering an attractive structure, without losing usability or opening speed on the platforms.

The precise analysis of the activity of the users in each online site, provides a great advantage over the competition . In addition to following the latest trends, its web design is fully responsive, optimized for search engine positioning and clearly oriented to online conversion .

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