Facebook para negocios online: cómo sacarle el máximo partido
Administador • ago 28, 2018
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Facebook continues to maintain its leadership as the most popular social network among Internet users . The versatility of this platform, when sharing content and interacting with users, allows online businesses to obtain excellent performance in terms of increasing visibility, communicating with the audience and attracting potential customers. In this article, we want to tell you how to get the most out of the social network Facebook .


Facebook does not stop innovating in search of improving the user’s browsing experience. In this sense, the large number of formats supported by the platform allows adapting to the tastes and preferences of each person. The visual content is still the most demanded and where more interaction we can achieve, but if we want to be updated we must pay attention to the new formats admitted in Facebook.

With regard to images, panoramic photographs are gaining ground thanks to the advancement of new technologies. Mobile devices with Android or iOS systems, allow us to make this type of content that we can later upload to the social network Facebook to share with our audience.

Another format supported by the platform is the 360º image or video, to offer the user a detailed image of a space, product or service. Both the panoramic image and the 360º format become common even among users who share personal experiences. Therefore, online businesses should not be left behind when it comes to offering content in the most demanded formats.


The interaction on Facebook is conditioned by the quality of the contents. With this, we refer both to the quality of information and usefulness for the user as well as to the resolution and formats used in photographs and videos . From this point, it is time to pay attention to comments, likes and shared content, as well as possible communications that may arise at the request of users.

To interact with these users, we can use tools such as Facebook Messenger since it offers us the possibility to directly contact and resolve problems or doubts regarding the products and services of our brand.

In this section, we include a type of content that allows us to interact with the audience. It’s about live events through videos . In real time, we can show the launch of a new product, a conference, etc., while responding to issues that arise during the course of the broadcast.


Finally, we must not forget that Facebook allows online businesses to analyze the interaction of the audience , through a complete statistical panel. Thanks to this tool, we can create successful content strategies , including promoting those that have given the best results through paid advertising.


QDQ media as the main digital marketing agency for local businesses, makes available to its customers a service of creation and maintenance of business cards in the main social networks and business directories of the country. With Presencia Plus, your business will have the online presence you need, putting at your disposal a unique tool in the market for local businesses, App Presencia Plus, through which you can publish content in all your social profiles simultaneously and manage the reviews that your clients share about your services. Do not wait any longer, reach new customers with our new Presence Plus service .

In addition, you can consult for free the presence of your business on the Internet through our Online Digital Presence Test. Discover new opportunities for online visibility!

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