Marketing de contenidos y sus ventajas para negocios en Internet
Administador • may 04, 2018
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Within online marketing strategies, the creation of content is one of the aspects that have the greatest influence on brand building, visibility and positioning of the website on the Internet. It is called content marketing and carrying out the right actions offers many advantages , especially in terms of gaining credibility and making a hole among the businesses in your sector that are located in your area of ​​action.


Users who connect to the Internet, seek information at any time of the day, from anywhere they are, thanks to the mobility provided by mobile technology. Basically, if you do not generate content they can not find you and what is worse, you do not exist in front of the user who searches for specific contents about any product or service related to your sector.

This also means losing the opportunity to position yourself in the main search engines . This positioning gives relevance to the website and generates trust among users. In turn, the creation of content allows us to use media such as social networks and create community in relation to those users who feel identified with our brand and its values.

The content «king» on the Internet is still the video, users flee from boring content and go to those sites where it is easier to assimilate the information they seek. From QDQ media we offer the Video SEO service , which offers audiovisual content that reigns on the web from a strategic point of view to obtain better results.


The most important thing about a good content marketing strategy is the possibility it gives us to reach our objective audience . The visibility given to us by the media directs traffic to our platforms (website, corporate blog, etc.), thereby increasing the conversion possibilities .

Thanks to the study of user behavior, in terms of browsing and content consumption on the Internet, we enjoy an important advantage in being able to offer valuable and quality information for our audience . With this we capture your attention and day-to-day interest, which allows us to generate prescribers for our brand.

While increasing visibility , web traffic and the confidence that the audience places in us, the contents are positioning themselves in the main search engines, appearing in advantaged positions in front of our most direct competition .

The creation of content is a constant task and requires some specialization in the field . This is so, due to the need to use appropriate terms , those for which we want to position and our audience to find us on the Internet. The lack of time is one of the factors that influence when discarding the option to create content. Therefore, specialized agencies in online marketing , can offer you solutions focused on increasing the visibility, traffic and the rate of conversion of your business on the Internet.

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