Here: mejorando la conversión a través de la geolocalización

Administador • 26 de marzo de 2018
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Al hablar de herramientas y aplicaciones de geolocalización tenemos que hablar de , especialmente si hablamos de aquellas que gozan de buena reputación. Se trata de la principal herramienta proveedora de mapas y localización de empresas , entre marcas automovilísticas de prestigio. Sus funcionalidades la convierten en una opción imprescindible, más allá de Google Maps, especialmente para aquellas empresas que quieran aumentar el rendimiento y mejorar la conversión de sus negocios, a través de sistemas de geolocalización.


For those who do not know this tool, it must be said that it takes time in the market. The project was initiated by Nokia and Ovi Maps. Later, Audi , BMW and Daimler put themselves at the forefront of this technology to promote it worldwide, giving it the name of Here.

Currently, users and drivers from a large number of countries enjoy it in different languages, with the possibility of downloading maps online or offline from a total of 180 countries. Its technology is valid for the main mobile operating systems (Android, iOS or Windows Phone), obtaining information related to traffic, access to places of interest, routes, location of companies, etc.


Among its qualities, we find 3D maps in major cities, real-time traffic information or commercial areas considered of interest. It also offers compatibility with various tools such as Lonely Planet, Via Michelin or Street Maps. In general, the information and navigation experience has little to envy Google Maps, which is a huge advantage for those companies that use the service , in order to improve the visibility, traffic and conversion of their businesses on the street .


The online marketing agency QDQ Media has opted for advanced technologies such as Here , in addition to others such as Waze or the popular Google Maps. In this way, they expand the available resources in order to improve the visibility of their clients.

In this way, QDQ Media takes another step to stay ahead as a provider of digital services for SMEs . With, along with the numerous tools of design, analytics, social media, geolocation, etc., small and medium enterprises have all the necessary resources to increase the conversion of their businesses.

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