Directorios de internet: la gran oportunidad de los negocios locales
Administador • mar 13, 2018
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Internet directories are necessary for small and medium businesses in our country to take the step towards business digitalization, since 92% of the Spanish population access the internet daily, and 86% of this percentage is an active user. social networks. Having a web page and a digital marketing strategy allows them to reach millions of consumers who connect to the internet every day to look for products and services that can meet your needs. Currently, if you are not on the Internet you do not exist, and the biggest advantage of small and medium businesses within the network are local digital marketing strategies. The important thing about investing in a marketing strategy is to reach our target audience and that they visit us. The Internet directories allow the small business to face its most direct competition and approach those users with the possibility of becoming potential clients.


Internet directories: highlights the geographical location

Small businesses are governed by activity and location, so business directories and social networks are two good communication vehicles to attract quality traffic to the web and differentiate from the competition. Once the local action area is established, the online directories that give visibility to said geographic location should be selected. This is a great advantage, since consumers who access directories on the Internet usually do so with real purchase intentions. If we add to this the proximity of the user, the possibilities of capturing his attention and carrying out a conversion multiply. Choosing the right online directories , The small business has many advantages to improve the performance of your business on the Internet. Among the main ones we find:

  • – Google My Business , the local business platform of the search engine most used in Spain that allows access to new customers through local searches on Google and Google Maps.
  • – Facebook, the social network most used in Spain, which offers small and medium businesses multiple communication and promotion channels. Through their fanpage they can present their products and services; and create a community of followers.
  • – , the business directory on the Internet that has more than 2 million registered companies. SMEs may appear by their activity and location in their results and promote their products and services through their business card.
  • Bing Places, the local geolocated business platform of Microsoft. It allows locating the business and positioning it in Bing and Yahoo search engines.  
  •, the main provider of cartography, business information and map positioning. It is the most important navigation system in the automotive sector, it is present in brands such as: Honda, Audi, Jeep, Ferrari, Volkswagen group, among others.
  • – Waze , the world’s largest community-based traffic and navigation application. It allows to promote business in real time with users who are close to the establishment.

In QDQ media we offer the Presence Plus service , with which we manage  presence in these networks and business internet directories, to improve SEO positioning and sales of our customers.


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