QDQ Opiniones: el cliente como pilar del éxito empresarial
Administador • mar 08, 2018
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QDQ Opinions , is a space in which the opinion of our clients is given voice . In QDQ media we are aware of the importance of satisfying your needs and offering a service according to your business expectations. All companies need their customers, as customers need them. Both form the central axis of the company’s raison d’être and, fulfilling the interests of both, a healthy and bidirectional communication between the two actors is needed, opening several channels of dialogue between them.

In QDQ media we are aware of the importance of taking into account the opinion of our customers and employees, therefore, in QDQ Media we have also devised a space in which our employees can give their vision about their career in our company.  Taking into account the experience of the human factors that make QDQ media possible, it is vital to improve each day and offer users the best digital service.

Opinions QDQ is a promotion platform for our clients , in which they show their local business and explain the change that has meant for them the entry of their SME into the digital world . For example, the hairdresser Roberto Carrillo, through the economic publication El Economista , tells through an interview what it has meant for his company to have the digital marketing services of QDQ media.


For us it is very important to know what people who trust us think to improve the results of their business, we work side by side with our customers and we provide a digital adviser that they can count on whenever they need it.

QDQ Opinions, offers numerous advantages to improve the management of our agency, among the main ones we find:

  • Transparency : publishing the opinions of clients and employees generates confidence and credibility for the positive perception of the business. It is important to highlight the values ​​of the company and demonstrate that the decisions and actions taken within the management are in accordance with them.
  • Customer’s life cycle : maintaining a good relationship with the customer is of vital importance to build loyalty with the company. Impose a series of communicative practices and a personalized treatment helps to extend the relationship with them and encourage them to be ambassadors of your brand for your target audience. QDQ Opinions is an example of this.
  • Commercial training: the sales team starts from the prior knowledge of the client’s interest, the fact of knowing it will allow focusing on certain aspects of commercial training, improving their aptitude and effectiveness.
  • Conversion: allowing clients to narrate the experience of hiring your services, can be vital in the decision to purchase from other users who have not yet decided on your company. The possibility of a user asking for information through your website is much greater if you have testimonials that positively support your products and services.
  • Positivity: a happy customer is a good brand ambassador, so as in QDQ opinions , you should reserve a space for those who want to express their gratitude after the positive results. Thank you comments improve the perception of your company and convey a positive brand image.

Having a space of opinions for our clients has given us the value of communicating with them, as well as improving our working relationship. Listening to their experiences and adapting our business strategies to their needs is essential to keep growing together. If you are thinking about creating a customer area, check out our QDQ Opinions section .


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